Mfs Agreement

MFS Agreement: Understanding the Basics

If you are in the financial world, you have probably come across the term MFS Agreement. But what is it exactly? In this article, we will discuss the basics of MFS agreements and how they work.

What is an MFS Agreement?

MFS stands for Managed Funds Service. It is an agreement between an investor and a managed funds service provider. The investor gives the service provider the authority to manage their investment portfolio on their behalf. The service provider, in turn, charges a fee for managing the portfolio.

The MFS agreement typically outlines the responsibilities of both parties, the services provided, the fees charged, and the investment strategy to be used. It is a legally binding document that governs the relationship between the investor and the service provider.

How Does an MFS Agreement Work?

An MFS agreement works by giving the managed funds service provider the authority to manage the investor`s portfolio. This means that the service provider makes investment decisions on behalf of the investor, such as buying and selling securities, and managing the portfolio`s risk.

The service provider charges a fee for the services they provide. This fee is typically a percentage of the investor`s assets under management. The fee can also be a performance-based fee, where the service provider charges a percentage of the profits generated by the portfolio.

MFS agreements are commonly used by institutional investors, such as pension funds, endowments, and foundations. However, they can also be used by individual investors who want professional management of their investment portfolio.

Benefits of an MFS Agreement

One of the main benefits of an MFS agreement is professional management of the investor`s portfolio. The service provider has the expertise and knowledge to make investment decisions based on the investor`s goals and risk tolerance. This can help the investor achieve better investment outcomes than they would have on their own.

Another benefit is the convenience of having someone else manage the portfolio. The investor does not have to spend time researching investments or monitoring their portfolio. This frees up their time to focus on other things, such as their career or family.


In conclusion, an MFS agreement is a legal agreement between an investor and a managed funds service provider. The service provider manages the investor`s portfolio on their behalf and charges a fee for their services. MFS agreements can provide professional management of an investor`s portfolio and convenience for the investor. If you are considering an MFS agreement, it is important to understand the terms of the agreement and the fees involved.

Vice President, Co-Founder