Freight Pay and Audit

Eliminate the headaches associated with your current freight payment process by letting us handle it for you for no additional costs.

Freight payment, audit and invoice consolidation are essential aspects of your LTL strategy. Motus Logistics supports our customers by conducting a pre/post audit of every invoice, paying the carriers on your behalf, and issuing a weekly consolidated invoice to them. With our transportation accounting services, you can recover lost-profits through increased invoice accuracy, and focus on paying one provider, with one payment term- instead of multiple carriers.”

Freight Payment

In a world where shippers are using larger carrier bases than ever, handling the payment and invoicing through the carriers can become increasingly complex. Multiple shipments, different payment terms, several payment due dates- it’s a mess. On average, it can cost a large company up to $11 just to pay a freight bill! Handing this function off to a freight payment provider can significantly reduce the resources allocated to the process.

Motus simplifies this function by handling payments on your behalf. Shipments processed through Motuship, our world class Transportation Management System, will be proactively paid to the carriers on your behalf. Unlike traditional freight payment shops, we’ll actually pay the carriers before we invoice you for a shipment, eliminating any concerns over failed payments and tarnished carrier relationships. After we pay the carriers, we’ll consolidate your shipment charges and send you a weekly consolidated invoice. One invoice, one payment term, no headaches.

Invoice Audit

Research shows that up to 25% of LTL invoices may be billed incorrectly by the carriers. Without an accurate audit process, shippers could be leaving 3-5% of savings on the table. Motus can solve this by handing all pre/post audit activities on your behalf. Here’s how it works:

When the customer (shipper) uses the Motuship to create a shipment, we determine the expected charges for the customer and store the shipment information (freight data) in our database. Motus then receives an EDI or paper/electronic invoice (all invoices are EDI or scanned for cloud retrieval) from the carrier and match the freight invoice to its corresponding freight data invoice record. This completes the first validation. Motuship then determines if the price invoiced matches the expected price from the freight data created with the shipment record.  If the price on the received freight invoices does not match the freight data record created with the shipment record, a freight audit is initiated by your dedicated customer-service rep to determine the reason. That is the second validation.

The third validation is initiated and completed with each weekly freight invoice consolidation process. In this process we additionally run a series of audit checks to ensure the freight invoice is correct with all necessary information and ready to present to our customers.

Invoice Consolidation

After we’ve audited your invoices and submitted payment to the carriers, we’ll consolidate all your shipment charges into one, easy to understand consolidated invoice that is issued on a weekly basis. In addition to being able to view the invoice in Motuship, we’ll also issue you a paper copy as well. This single, comprehensive invoice will include shipment by shipment break downs of all relevant information such as charge, PO number, adjustments, etc.

From our invoice center online, you can generate individual shipment invoices, request further adjustment/resource, or view shipment charges by each one of your locations. We also have the ability to GL Code shipments on your behalf- making cost allocation a breeze!

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